Thursday, July 19, 2007

good trip man

steve said it was the best trip of his life. and his health and stamina were amazing throughout it. his party on saturday night was a great great success ~ over a 150 people feeling so much love! a car had driven through the front wall of the community center building the day before and so there was some concern about having the party there but everything was fine. and in a small town, thats just something more for people to talk about! we had a bbq the night before with steves best friend bryce and his family and it was a lovely evening. the day after the party, we had brunch with the mcoys at the country club then visited with steves cousin at his bowling alley. as we left town, we had a beer in a biker bar with a couple other friends of steves that he wasnt able to speak with much at his party. the stories about steve from everyone the whole time we were there were delightful ~ he was such a bad boy, im not sure why that town welcomes him back! we did find time to shop for pottery and i bought some bakelite jewelry for my daughter. one of the most interesting things we did was to visit an area between roseville and zanesville (we were back and forth a few times a day) where there was an underground railroad. slaves were brought up the river and went into a tunnel in the toll house (which means local government was sympathetic)... the tunnel went for almost a mile to a mansion on the hill... a derelict amusement park just across from the toll house was where steve found some liberation of his own when he was young.

to participate in the peace and equal rights movement (t-shirt link):

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