Wednesday, July 22, 2009

glossary post

the following was going to be in the glossary on the website where no-one would ever see it... but we thought it too controversial... so we put it in this blog for the edification of the multitudes!!!

god ~ the consciousness of the animating force of the universe (see prana on glossary).

do not confuse this consciousness with the christian god. he is an aspect of god like pan or diana or other greek and roman gods, like the multitude of hindu or buddhist dieties, the native american gods, or the gods of any culture. the christian and hebrew and muslim god (it is all the same aspect) has been having his fifteen minutes of fame and will one day be relegated to antiquity. do not believe the illusion. do not believe the pr. do not let religion keep you from an experience of god.

an aspect of god makes god more tangible to the masses and any aspect of god is valid for veneration. some are more elevated than others. many are more elevated than the christian god. but the idea of an aspect of god as being mistaken for god may be what makes atheists atheists, a small-minded logic. atheists do not believe the christian god is god thus there must be no god! as written in my blog (search below on atheism), atheism is a vocabulary problem. atheists believe in god, they just call it a chair or the wind or love. without god, their asses would be sitting on the floor in a stuffy place without the best of human relationships. but they would know they were right!

god does not have a chosen people. god does not promise land. god is neither a ruler nor a realtor. god does not lord over people. god does not command or damn. god is not vengeful or judgmental. those are all human traits. man created god in his own image and likeness. and the different aspects of god reflect the variations of human consciousness. see joseph campbell, hero with a thousand faces.

god is the consciousness of the animating force of the universe. words will not explain it further. have the experience instead.

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