Sunday, July 19, 2009

barack obama

i have written letters to president obama. the first one i sent as a congratulations on his election and inauguration. i sent a copy of my book (PEACE) WORDS as a gift. i never got a response ~ no thank you. i sent him another letter asking him to remember his committment to peace and to not let the small-minded idiots sway him from his ideals. i wanted to send him one of my t-shirts ~ i thought the "what have you done today to save the world" image would be good for him... or the "one for all" would be good... but even though we have all seen him with his shirt off, i couldnt guess his size. anyone who has seen me dress knows i couldnt guess my own. so i sent him a "one for all" button and the t-shirt catalog instead. no response.

in the third letter, i said his idea of non-partisan government should be expanded to the entire planet... that governments and international businesses should be asked to work toward the greater good of all instead of trying to carve out their own niche of security and prosperity. when one prospers, all prosper. maybe that sounded too much like communism... but i think he is smarter than that. still, the monologue goes unanswered...

one day we will live in a golden world where the president of the united states answers your letters and wears your t-shirts. one day we will live in a world of grace and peace and joy. but for the moment, president obama has something more important to do than respond to me. and i have another letter to write.

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