Thursday, October 18, 2007

radio head

the radio show went well i guess. everyone raved about it. and i was asked to be back on the show again in december. i think i shouldnt have said i was sitting in my bathrobe wearing a string of pearls... but it was a zen moment and so it shall remain in the archive for all eternity. despite the pearls from the supermarket in hawaii where i had a wonderful vacation with my daughter, there were other pearls... the zany mystic let the show ramble in an interesting freeflowing of ideas and at some point we talked about the presidential candidates and gay marriage. quite an amusing topic actually. amusing because of the ridiculousness of how the smallest minds in the country dictate how the greatest minds will behave. at least politically... but on marriage, these are my ideas: marriage is a contract. on the physical level, that contract is the merging of the assets of two people. on the emotional level, that contract is the commitment to love the other person until one is dead. and on the spiritual level, that contract is the appreciation of the witness of god in the lives of the married couple. usually one or more of those three aspects of the contract dissolves quickly (if it existed at all) but that is another matter. the idea that a government that allegedly has a separation between church and state would have anything more than a voice about the legal details of marriage (such as how old one must be to enter the contract of marriage) is absurd. and yet, like negroes had been in this country, gays are not considered human beings and are not afforded the same rights. it should be that any two people of adult age and somewhat sound mind (because how clear can someone be who actually wants to get married???!!!) could go to an attorney and draw up a legal contract of marriage. it should be the business of nobody else (except their mothers of course who will always have something to say). the emotional and spiritual aspects of the contract do not apply to the government and should be attended to by the marrying couple. if that involves other people (friends, family, minister, etc) that is the perogative of the marrying couple. but for the legality, the government has declared that gays do not deserve the same rights as others to enter that contract (even convicted felons on death-row can marry as long as it is man-to-woman). and the great minds of our polical generation allow the small minds of the christians to rule our country. high absurdity! especially if we actually do have a separation of church and state! the zany mystic said he gets about 10,000 listeners to the radio show each week and a guest could get 7000 hits on his website. i got two and i think one of them was me! obviously my pearls were cast before swine.

to hear the radio show, go to (blog link):

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