Wednesday, October 24, 2007

dear god

my daughter is six years old and doesnt believe in god. she does a father proud. not because of her beliefs (which are different than mine) but because of her consideration of her beliefs. she doesnt blindly accept the notion of god without consideration... she is even prepared to go against the conformity of her peers: she asked every child on the playground if he believed in god and each said he did. that didnt sway her from her conviction. and she made no attempt to sway the other children. she just let it be. what a blessing to the world, tolerance! she told me she doesnt believe in god because hes dead. i couldnt be more proud! my baby is an existentialist! and shes not even a teenager yet! the idea of atheism is interesting though. an atheist is someone who defines god in his own terms and then denies the application of those terms. an atheist considers himself logical and yet the defining of and then denying god is illogical. it is an ego-centrical closed circuit with crossed wires. i think atheism is really a vocabulary problem. the definition atheists give to god is too small. and a small field yields a small harvest. the definition atheists ascribe to god is akin to a teapot in the sky or the historical moses. neither is a practical definition of god and so is very easy to deny. in reality, atheists do believe in god just as they believe in the chair they sit on because the chair they sit on is god (my definition). the car they drive is god ~ they must believe in it because it certainly takes them to the "im superior because i dont believe in god" meetings. the leaves changing color in autumn, the laugh of a baby... im so damn syrupy! everything is god! everything. so only a complete denial of existence, a complete denial of self, would allow for the validity of atheism. and atheists are too arrogant to deny themselves... so obviously god exists! and as for my daughter, well shes the best existence there is!

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