Friday, January 3, 2014 glossary

Smudge/House Cleaning ~ the tradition of smudging goes back to pre-history, before native americans were in america... it exists in most earth cultures to this day. Just as fire and smoke will run wild animals away, the use of smoke and fire has always been used to run wild "energy" away. Sage only clears a certain "band" of vibration, the same with sweet grass. Other natural incenses are also useful -- a variety of incenses should be kept on hand for a good house cleansing. Intention and visualization augments the cleansing. A real house cleansing includes chanting and the ringing of bells and gongs with smudging to expand the vibrational "band" that is cleared. The spraying of certain formulas of aromatic waters and the use of Aura Spritz when house cleansing is also important. Several spiritual remedies are essential for house cleansing. This should be done on (or before) certain astrological phenomenon as a general routine and when needed for heavy or unwanted energy. If you hold healing, meditation, or other kinds of spiritual sessions in your home, you should cleanse very regularly -- even lightly before and after each session.

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