Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Roy Anthony Shabla / book

libretti lumi
Lyrical and deeply resonant, this book of post-modernist poetry explores the dynamics of inter-personal relationships and communication. Built on classical forms, the work draws a direct line from the modern avant garde back through colonial and medieval literature to ancient Rome and Greece. In many ways, it is a summation of the long tradition of literature in the Western world.

But don’t let that intimidate you. libretti lumi is a simple and personal account of the effects of love. You will find yourself and your relationships in this book ~the title implies the epiphany you will have when reading it.

Non-narrative in format, libretti lumi is the cycles of poetry for two operas. Actually, it is one cantata (a pre-cursor form to opera) and one opera. It is also thoroughly modern and accessible.
Toying with the game between science and spirituality, libretti lumi sheds light on the inner garden from which both science and spirituality spring. It is a book of emotions rationally explored.

The poetry itself is clean and spare, the style is straightforward. While referencing classical forms, there are no overt classical allusions in the work ~you do not need a PhD in literature to read this book. You just need a heart and soul.

review of libretti lumi

reading of libretti lumi

$11.99  purchase book from publisher

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