Thursday, November 15, 2007

money doesnt equal manners

i went to the deep valley to do feng shui work on a house in remodel on tuesday, the valley a frightening experience in itself... but as i started the work, the husband of the house arrived home. quite often, the man of the house is not so interested in my work and it is the wife who solicits me or agrees with the designer to have me come. this is not always the case (my dear clients who are now in dallas are a great example) but usually the man of the house constitutes the difficult part of the work. and this house was a prime example. often the man of the house is avoided as he is at work himself but that fortune was not available on tuesday. and so the dance began. he told me he didnt believe in feng shui; he told me there were dozens of books written on how feng shui doesnt work (can you show me five? one?); he told me that since there were no problems with the construction in an area i told them it was dangerous to work now, none of what i said was valid; he told me that he stayed frequently at the win hotel in las vegas and he never saw anything change (im not sure why he told me that but it was supposed to be negative about feng shui)... and he told me he didnt believe in god. i told him he didnt have to take my advice. but he did have to pay for it. c. c. cooper, their designer and my dear friend (among other things), was embarrassed by his aggressively rude behaviour ~money doesnt equal manners~ and took me for wine and dinner when we left. the wife was very kind and interested in the work. i am not saying she was kind because she agreed with me, im saying she was kind because she was open to agreeing with me. she asked intelligent questions and seemed genuinely interested in the answers. she will implement some of the treatments, he will block the others. a marriage is a "give-and-take". maybe i am single because i just dont like what is given and what is taken. maybe that should be the question for every relationship. and the interesting thing is this: i have found arrogant people never believe in god ~they find no room in the world for anything greater than themselves. humility is inherent in any true belief in the divine. if you were so inclined to create a weed, a dandelion, from what would you create it? well, from a dandelion seed, of course! the problem is, man has never ~in all his great achievements throughout history~ been able to create a simple dandelion seed on his own. and yet some men think they are the master of the universe! well think what you like. you still have to pay for my advice. for some people, money is the only thing they have to give.

for information on feng shui:

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