Happy Vernal Equinox!
The month of March brings Spring to the Northern Hemisphere but for many, the weather is stuck in Winter. A few tips for this unseasonable season:
blessthebody.com Spiritual Remedy Bright Immunity for lingering cold/flu/sinus allergies ~ combine with blessthebody.com Spiritual Remedy Chakra Tonic for whole body healing.
blessthebody.com Spiritual Remedy Gold Light for depression from lack of sunlight (Seasonal Adjustment Disease) ~ combine with blessthebody.com Personal Remedy Be Happy.
blessthebody.com Spiritual and Personal Remedies are not meant to replace conventional or traditional medicine for physical ailments but to enhance them. There is no over-dose or side-effect.
Feng Shui
The Annual Astrological Feng Shui Workshops were a great success and many reports of feng shui magic are already arriving. Things have definitely improved from last year.
If you have not completed your annual feng shui treatments, do so immediately. This will be a month that will change the world!
After completing the placement of your annual feng shui treatments, spray your home with the Clean House Spritz to clear any unbalanced energy. It is a spiritual Spring cleaning for the home and should be repeated regularly.
If you have been unable to locate appropriate feng shui treatments for your home, see blessthehome.com Feng Shui Shops for quality elemental feng shui treatments at a good price.
For the monthly feng shui treatments, click here.
An important feng shui treatment for the year is to place four new books in the Southwest sector of the home. As an incentive to support real books of real literature, RoyAnthonyShabla.com has put a 15% sale on all books by Roy Anthony Shabla for the month of March. Order now copies of:
(PEACE) WORDS (memoir of a revolutionary)
Feng Shui Every Day (architectural self-help)
Child Harold at the Zoo (dysfunctional family love)
and others. The 15% discount is for online purchases and is already programmed into the website. Enjoy a little culture and good feng shui.
May Spring find its way into your heart and home. Many blessings from RoyAnthonyShabla.com and blesstheworld.com. Thank you for your love and support.