Saturday, December 8, 2007

peace on earth

my daughter hadley and her best friend mazzy and our family unit planted trees in san pedro along one of the main streets this morning with tree people, one of the most worthwhile groups i know. the volunteers were represented by various ethnic groups, ages, and incomes and city staff as well as tree people all pitched in together. it was hard work and fun and the kids really got into the idea of saving the planet. and they got the experience of saving the planet as a community. each tree is named after it is planted and the last two put into the earth today were called "hadley" and "mazzy". now my daughter has a personal involvement with the future of the planet. and i have a sore body!

the wind and rain has removed the last peace poster from my house. these 5 to 7 foot posters have been on the front and side of my house regularly for almost two years now, ocassionally being replaced. the side of my house faces a church parkinglot so the good word has been given to the needy.

and how we need! in colorado, a young guy shot and killed people at a christian youth mission and a mega church. he is said to have come from a very religious family and hated christians. in baltimore, 9 black teenagers harassed, beat up, and dragged a white woman from a public bus. there is no mention of how the bus driver responded. in california (is this a red state or a blue state?) an episcopal diocese seceded from the episcopal church because of the ordination of a gay bishop. in case you dont know, if you have to have a christian around, let it be an episcopalian. they are like catholics with common sense. they are progressive, tolerant, activists for peace and the environment, and generally more intellectual. they have female priests. they have married priests. they are not fundamentalists. and yet this diocese in california is behaving like a fundamentalist church. even the catholic church allows gay bishops. the legal battles which will ensue may ruin the episcopal church as a whole. if the episcopal church folds, the christian religions will soon be headed by mel gibson. whats a thinking person to do? yahweh sure loves to stir the pot!

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