Thursday, April 30, 2015

the electrical pole ignited yesterday and my power was out yet again. edison workers came late at night to repair the problem. i was walking home from downtown downey and spoke to one of the workers: you know, the problem with living in a digital age is that without electricity, theres no porn. he replied: we will be working all night to get you back up.  o and he did!  i love a man dedicated to his task.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

May 2015

April was the cruelest month.  Let May Day begin a time of peace!

The amplified feng shui astrology released a myriad of blessings and curses, curses and blessings.  This new month will have its challenges – both socially and personally – but let us walk through them with grace.

Remember:  I have written here and spoken in workshops that the dominant energy for this year is conflict.  Find peace in yourself, in your home and family, and share it with the world.

If you have not looked at my website in awhile, you may have forgotten there are free posters for peace and equal rights.  Sometimes an image can say what we are unable to find words for.  Post these handbills to make a stand for humanity, to remind yourself and others of your own humanity.

My book, (PEACE) WORDS, discusses these peace images and my work as an outsider artist/activist.  It is time for everyone to take a stand for peace.  Order your copy here and now.

The Spiritual Remedy that promotes harmony is Green Light.  Let this remedy bring harmony to your body, mind, and soul.  Combine with Love Light to transcend all imbalances.

May grace and peace and joy reign on Earth.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

poet laureate los angeles

notes on the laureate reading:

the venue is fantastic.

despite being sold out, not well attended.  young brown girls and older brown women.  a few men, less white people.  a few black.

the open mic was mostly poor.  one idiot should have gotten the hook.

the featured poets were great.  moving and inspiring.  especially the asian.

the laureate of la, a latino, kept saying (to an audience of latinos) that we need the native voice.  how out of touch could he be?  i wrote about this thirty years ago, that you could only get a reading if you were latino or lesbian…  the first two laureates of la prove my point and make me a prophet.

the hostess was delightful.  and kept everything moving.  but time ran out – it would have been nice if the asian and la latino could have read one or two more.  there should have been no useless workshop, no open mic.

the workshop part of the event was useless.  did I say that above?

maybe a cute boy but not much to distract…

a few people seemed familiar but I only knew the hostess.

a nice night but not memorable.