Thursday, July 24, 2014

end of summer in a year of war

August 2014


The Chinese Year of the Horse is galloping along at full speed and we are halfway through the race!  Make use of the speed instead of fearing it!

During the Annual Astrological Feng Shui Workshops, I predicted this would be a year of war.  While there is always war somewhere on the planet, this year is particularly bad.  The war horse is gaining strength.  And next year will be worse.

What can an individual person do to contribute to peace?  Find peace within yourself.  Speak out in favor of peace whenever you can.  Be an example of peace within your own home.

My book, (PEACE) WORDS, will give you a place to begin.  My book, RADIANT IN ALL REALMS, will help you manifest balance and peace within yourself (it is newly expanded with a section on forgiveness). And my line of clothing and novelties, PEACE SHIRTS, will help you put the energy out into the world.  Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me and you.

Spiritual Remedies

The Spiritual Remedies are, once again, finding a new audience through miraculous effects.  If you have not been using Radiation Cleanse, First Aid, Chakra Tonic, you are depriving yourself of deep healing.  The offering is there, you just need to accept it. Green Light stimulates general peace, healing, and abundance.  Who doesn’t need those now?


My natural, hand-crafted, unisex perfume has been transforming the psyche of everyone using it.  Those around you will be enchanted by its aura of spiritual peace.  For more information about this amazing aroma, go to:

Thank you for your love and support.  Have a wonderful end of Summer!