Monday, October 28, 2013 Cleans House Spritz

Clean House Spritz
This formula attracts into the home the good luck of prosperity and abundance and removes the obstacles to happy romance and vital health. It is the best limpia available. Use it to clear unwanted and unhealthy energy from the home and ensure the best luck in your life.
Put half a bottle of Aura Spritz and half a bottle of Karma Cleanse and eight drops of lavender essential oil into a large spray bottle and fill with water. Spray the entire house from top to bottom three days in a row.

For challenging and deeply stuck energy, add to the above mixture: half a bottle of Radiation Cleanse, half a bottle of Implant Cleanse, and half a bottle of White Light. Add eleven drops of pennyroyal essential oil and eleven drops of tea tree essential oil. (Avoid pennyroyal if someone in the house is pregnant.) Spray the house eleven days in a row. This will remove the most serious energetic problem.

Use the Clean House Spritz at the Solstices and Equinoxes, for Spring cleaning, and after house guests. This is more than aroma therapy; this can save your life.
For more information on Feng Shui, see Feng Shui Every Day.

Friday, October 25, 2013 glossary

Mandala ~ originally Hindu and Buddhist, a mandala is an artistic diagram, often concentric, for meditation. Mandalas are used for liberation, healing, and abundance but always through the mechanisms of meditation, not merely as a decorative charm.

Monday, October 21, 2013 Radiation Cleanse

The degenerative effects of cell phones, microwaved food, television and computer monitors, electric blankets and clocks and appliances are deep to the cellular and atomic levels and lasting. Medical radiation, military and commercial electromagnetic fields, ley lines, and the fallout from nuclear reactions are even worse. Negative radiation is linked to the dehydration of the planet and the trend toward sterilization of the human race. Nothing escapes the dysbiosis caused by radiation.

Radiation Cleanse is an effective antidote to all forms of life-negative emanations. It corrects the mis-polarity of all systems (atomic, cellular, electrical, chakric, auric, etcetera) and repairs the damage caused by negative radiation. It is indispensable in these modern times. Use when other subtle energy work is ineffective.

Symptoms of radiation toxicity can include: dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, weakness, spaciness; but degenerative effects occur before physical symptoms. Combine with Bright Brain and Chakra Tonic for severe symptoms.
See also Clean House Spritz.

Friday, October 18, 2013 glossary

Luck ~ fortune or destiny. It is thought that luck is influenced by astrology, feng shui, talismans... et cetera.

Monday, October 14, 2013 Bright Brain

The brain is the master computer of the physical body and the main interface with the subtle worlds. Poor diet/nutrition, toxic environment/blood, imbalanced hormones and chemicals, and electro-magnetic and other radiational fields contribute to a decrease of these functions, as do inter-dimensional interferences. Headaches, dizziness, buzzing, inability to focus/inability to remember, poor coordination, mood-swings, insomnia, and general degeneration are all symptoms of a decrease of these functions.

Bright Brain restores vitality and light to the essence of the brain which balances and enhances its functioning. It also strengthens the etheric body, slowing the degeneration of the physical body. Rudolph Steiner said that cancer was a degeneration of the etheric body. Use of Bright Brain as a tonic maintains a strong etheric body.

It is important for serious meditators, students, drug-users, and anyone over forty years of age.

Combine with Radiation Cleanse, Chakra Tonic, White Light for severe symptoms. Combine with Silver Light for chronic anxiety.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

There is the thought that peace is idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical ~ that it is the stuff of dreams, not meant for this world. But that is not true. Peace may well be the most pragmatic choice available to any society and the most valuable solution to the problems of this world.
That which is contrary to the natural harmony of things takes a toll on its participants far greater than its short-term rewards. War is the greatest counter-harmony endeavor imaginable. And its immediate rewards are lost in the mire of its product.
Conflict in personal matters corrupts both the physical and emotional selves; conflict in social matters corrupts the healthy and fortuitous progress of groups. The energy involved in each is better exerted toward raising the quality of life and the quality of spirit. But somehow, the directness of that idea is lost in the realm of egos.
While aggression may be a remnant of our animal nature, conflict is not the way of longevity. Harmony will outlive dissonance. And the arrogance that is the foundation of conflict will be the undoing of the aggressor. That which is great will fall.
Peace is the only logical choice for a person, a family, a society, a country, a planet. Peace is the only legacy worth endowing, the only life worth living. In every moment, there is the choice between love and fear, harmony and disharmony; wiser is the path of peace ~ peace is the path of the wise.

Friday, October 11, 2013 glossary

Karma ~ the underlying issues pertaining to how a person deals with life-experiences and creates new experiences, the Law of Cause and Effect. Patterns of life events, eg: repeated divorces, stem from recurring karma and can create karma. There are numerous forms of karma including hereditary and past-life karmas, group karma, and present-life karma. Release of karma can make life more graceful. See Karma Cleanse. glossary

Homeopathy ~ a form of medicine where remedies of very dilute solutions are used. It is safer and often more effective than conventional medicine and prescription drugs. glossary

Holistic Health ~ philosophy of medical care that views physical, emotional and mental, and spiritual aspects of life as closely interconnected and equally important. Holistic treatment for any dis-ease considers all these aspects of a patient. See Alternative Healing, Wellness, Naturopathy.

Monday, October 7, 2013 First Aid

Shock and trauma overwhelm a portion of the psyche, stunting the growth process on all levels. An insect bite or paper cut; a car accident or death in the family — from surgery to a stubbed toe, this is your "first-aid-kit-in-a-bottle". More effective than Rescue Remedy or arnica, use for all minor or major emergencies. It is indispensable if you have children or when travelling; keep an extra bottle in your car and toiletries bag.

First Aid relieves shock and trauma from physical, emotional, mental, psychic, and spiritual stress, both current and historical. Use to relieve childhood and distant trauma as well as everyday circumstances. First Aid calls the spirit back so healing can begin.

Friday, October 4, 2013 glossary

Grace ~ the effect of living in the presence of the divine.

Guru ~ teacher, one who brings you into the light.